Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Future PC Thoughts

(1) I hope they let me reactivate my application, so I don't have to completely reapply. I won't be able to leave until February 2010 or later, but must reactivate my application by August 8th, 2009. To be safe, I should contact them in June or July. My fear is that they will say "February is too far off for you to reactivate now, so you need to reapply." But at the same time, if they said that, I wouldn't understand, because in order to get a Q2 or Q3 (Jan-June) nomination (pref Feb-April), I'd have to actually APPLY earlier than I would if I reactivated. So see how it doesn't make sense? I could reactivate at the end of July, but if I had to completely apply again, I'd have to start applying around April or May. See the problem? My recruiter didn't really give me much of an answer, she seemed to think I'd have to reapply. I suppose when it gets closer I'll contact someone again.

(2) I think I've really decided that I want to be placed somewhere in Africa (francophone or not, tho francophone would be cool)...or Eastern Europe or Central Asia (especially the Caucus region or Central Asia, but I'd love EE all the way since I think a lot of great countries are there and was excessively excited when I almost got invited to Ukraine or Macedonia). I really want to do TEFL, and clearly EECA has a lot of TEFL. Also, being in Africa just interests me a lot. I'd also really like Jordan, they have an education program. I have to figure out my reasons. I can't say "just because." And I'm sure I have my reasons, but its one of those things that I just need to sorta "dig up" so to speak. I want to be able to give them good, strong reasons! For me, its important!

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Blogger Karen's Planet said...

Jenna - glad you are reading my blog. I'v been keeping up with you. You are doing the right thing. NEVER let anyone pressure you about doing this. It's hard to understand how tough the adjustment is - so you have to be in the right place to work through it. I think when you go it will be on your terms and you will be an awesome volunteer.

Take care,

September 25, 2008 at 9:50 AM


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