Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gearing Up

While I'm in relative Peace Corps limbo, I've been trying to keep busy through things that will help me in the Peace Corps or that I need to prepare. I want to try to do things to show them that I am ready for and want to do what I want to do in the PC: health, education, or youth.

Today I signed up at the Red Cross for a class. I initially wanted to take the CPR/First Aid class on March 15th, but it was full, and since I don't IMMEADIATELY need it, I didn't press on the issue. I found out that another class I had thought about was still open, so I signed up for that, even tho it's a 2 day class instead of 1. Adult, Infant, & Child CPR/AED, First Aid, and Blood Born Pathogens. This is April 23 from 8am-5pm, and April 24 from 8am-12pm. This is the best choice in my opinion, better than what I previously wanted which did not include the BBP's. I choose the other one because it was 1 days and the soonest. However, that's okay, because I will have plenty of time in waiting, and it's only a month and a half away. Good deal.

Next, I signed up for a TEFL online certificate course, that should be followed by another class specifically gearing that knowledge towards teaching youth. That will be really good towards any education work I may be involved in during the Peace Corps. Don't you love how I talk about it as if I'm already invited? Aye. All I do anymore is think about the Peace Corps and can't wait to get back to my computer to blog or check on statuses or search the message boards it seems like. So I got my first lesson in e-mail today, I am going to start that in 5 minutes.

Also, I have looked over the interview questions that people have offered up as examples from their own interviews. I've been trying to prepare answers to some of the questions that are always the hardest, Describe a time you had a leadership position, Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision and how you and others dealt with it. Well hell, aw I don't know those answers!!!

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