Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Nope, no ToolKit update. Saddness. Maybe tonight.

On the flip side, I did have another Peace Corps invitation dream. Let's see, how did it happen. I was actually located at my old house in this dream....I forget the people in it. I got a phone call saying that my invitation was on the way and it was not for Latin America. I asked if they could tell me what region it was for. They could, it was for the Pacific! Wow, that's quite a change, but I figured it was still in the same placement office, so technically, not that big of one at the same time. Next thing I knew I was pulling the package out of the mail box and ripped it open. "You have been invited to served with the Peace Corps in Kiribati." At first, I was really excited, then later realized I didn't want to accept it because it was too dramatically different than what I was supposed to have been doing and working towards while waiting, and I was actually worried about having to island hop to get places. I never declined it, but I talked to some friends and family...I think Cory was there, that's the only person I can remember....about if I should decline it or not and see if I got offered something else.

Personally, I don't think I'd decline any invitation without an insanely good they wanted me to do business which I'd be awful at. But what makes the dream really interesting is that not only have I not been thinking about the Pacific region lately, but I wouldn't have been able to name Kiribati if i tried. I could've told you the Pacific region consisted of: Fiji, Vanatu, Samoa, Micronesia, and Tonga. But I never for my life would've been able to remember Kiribati, its the one that always has escaped my mind, yet in my dream, I remembered it and that's where I was invited to. Kiribati.

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