Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Scoobie Doo

So, did everyone read the post about the missing dog I found? If not see below. I found the owners, and talked to them, but wasn't able to get back to them immediately. By the time I did call them back, only 1 day later, they had called my cell, my sister's cell, my home number, and my dads office 30+ times. The ONLY way they could've gotten the numbers besides my cell would have been to use the system at the prosecutors office, where the mother works, to illegally look up and use those numbers to harass me and my family. They left messages over and over saying we had to call them back, they didn't appreciate this, they would do anything to get the dog back. Finally they started leaving message after message that they had contacted a lawyer. There were going to call the police. They would be filing charges against me for theft.

I called them back when I got off work, and I told them nicely, but made it obvious that I was not happy with them, that I did not appreciate them calling me and my family 30+ times between 8am and 3pm, harassing us, and threatening to charge us with theft. I said that it had been 24 hours since I had talked with them, and while I understand they are eager to get their dog back, they don't know what is going on in my life, and that in fact, I had an emergency last night that prevented me from calling them, and then had to work all day. I said this was the first chance I could contact them. I reminded them that I found their dog, took their dog to a vet, fed and watered their dog, and even carried the dog to the yard to go to the bathroom since she couldn't walk at first. Finally, I said that this was in NO WAY considered theft, they should be thankful I took care of their dog, and it had only been 24-hours since I'd spoken with them and they had no clue what was going on in my life. I said I didn't appreciate the harassment or the illegal finding/using of my numbers. Then I took the dog to a public place to give back to them.

In PC news, I still haven't heard. I should be hearing literally any second! Hopefully tomorrow. If not, I'll call back Friday afternoon. So I'm pretty much nomination-less, stuck in priority limbo with a restriction, and going crazy waiting to hear about an invite! :) Its great. I actually sorta secretly like the fact that I have absolutely NO CLUE where I'll end up now. Of course, Latin America is most likely since its my region, but now it could literally change to any other region! Excitement!!!

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Blogger Jasmine Sawers said...

Hey, I followed a link from the yahoo group, hope you don't mind. I just wanted to let you know that for a while there, I didn't have a nomination either, and I had a really serious medical restriction, but back at the end of May I got my invitation to the Philippines (my original nomination had been Africa, then they tried to get me to go to Central Asia, so it was really different than anything we'd talked about). Just wanted to pop in and say don't worry about things, wherever you end up will be a wonderful rewarding experience. I'm glad you're excited to go anywhere; it will serve you well. My dad back in the 70s wanted to go to Africa, but they sent him to Thailand which originally he wasn't very happy about. He ended up staying for 10 years!

Good luck with everything.


July 10, 2008 at 4:59 PM


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