Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Lost Dog :(

The poor puppy, I was driving to lunch today and found this dog. I wish we could keep her, she's such a sweet dog. She seems to be a Pit Bull, and American Pit Bull Terrier. Very sweet. 

She was laying in some soccer fields off the road, and something struck me as odd, so I went to check it out. I approached slow, since I didn't know the dog, and as soon as I got up to her, she rolled on her side. I patted my legs for her to stand up, and when she did, she immediately started shaking and had to collapse back to the ground. She had some sore-marks around her neck, and her paw pads were completely ripped up. When she stood up you could see just how thin and boney she was. 

I called my sister (since we live basically down the street) and she brought water (which was instantly completely gone) and a tiny bit of dog food (not too much since she hadn't been eating, that was also instantly gone). We called around to the Humane Society, Animal Control, and PAWS but couldn't get anyone. Finally, we called my cousin, animal person and used to work at a vets, and she suggested taking her to Parkdale Animal Hospital since they were open and take walk-ins. We had to carry the poor dog to the car.

When we got there, I went into the office while Caitlin waited in the car with the dog, and told them I had a walk in, no leash or collar bc we found her on the side of the road. I swear to you, their entire office ran out. The vet, an older man, carried her inside through a side door that enters into a check-up room. All the front desk girls, vet techs, and other vets were in the room. People would walk by, stick their heads in. So many times we and others would explain where we found her, how, and what was wrong. Mostly what was wrong was her feet--from running around so long and especially on concrete a lot, her pads were just shredded up. The vet had to clip a lot of skin off and bandage them. Also, they gave her a shot--she didn't even flinch! Finally, they gave us a bag of food, pain killers, and antibiotics for the next 5 well as the vet visit--all free of charge, just because they were so happy we had helped her.

Right now, she's at my mom's house in the garage. Let me tell you, my mother is not happy. Her first words were "ITS A PIT BULL!!!!!!!!" ....but really, we looked it up, and these dogs, despite the bad stigma they have, are actually great companion dogs with good temperaments. Which is good. My mom is giving us 48 hours to find her home :( Then we have to take her some place else...who knows where...*sigh* But at least we've helped her for now. She's feeling better, slept all day, has started to try to walk, but is clearly wobbly and in pain and can't stand for long. She's eating and drinking, which is good. We are making sure she doesn't eat too much since she hasn't had food. 

So this is one of 2 flyers we made. This one we are going to put in places like the grocery or coffee shops in the area--places where you'll actually see the flyer close up and can stop and look. I like it because I think the flyer is eye-catching. The other flyer is just big bold black letters, saying the same things, but spaced out line by line. That one will be for putting on like poles and stop signs. We also put an ad in the news paper (online, and maybe print? we aren't sure) and craigslist. But I'm going to make SURE if I get a call, that it is actually their dog...something give me her name and see if she responds...or tell me about her markings. Something.

What a sweetie.
Wish me luck on finding her owners! So sad. Hopefully we find them soon. Hrm...I should put flyers at firework stores/stands...

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