Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, June 20, 2008

This & That

First, I'm pretty sure the dog is behind the couch trying to catch an ant. We've recently had an unexplained rash of ants in our living room at night. They are harder to get rid of than we thought. :-/

Also, I'm scared to call back to my doctor's to see if my CBCs have been faxed off to my PC Nurse. Scared because the person I have to talk to scares me! Instead, I emailed my nurse asking if she could shoot me a line when she received those, and that I e-mailed her so she could do it just whenever she got to it. I know she's busy.

Today is Friday, June 20th. With the 6 week rule on invitations, August 1st and after are the programs I could be invited to. Realistically since if I were cleared today and my PO only started working on me Monday, it could be August 4th and later. Seriously, this is getting down to the wire and I'm so not comfortable with it.

I found out my blog has been helpful in at least one instance! When I was initially applying, I read several blogs from the beginning of their application process all the way through to invitation and service. It was really amazing and beyond helpful for me to see what actually happens in the application process--technically and emotionally. I feel like it really prepared me and I haven't been too shocked by anything so far. That's why I decided to start this blog the day after I applied. I thought just in case someone who was applying saw it, maybe it'd be useful. Of course, I think sometimes I get carried away with how many posts I do, but oh well. I like it, I have fun. :) But I saw someone who borrowed part of my blog about the book "So You Want to Join the Peace Corps?" I was really glad to see that, because it let me know my blog has been helpful for at least one person!

I was also correct in my assumption about the dog and the ants.

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Blogger S. said...

I had an ant issue a while back and found this awesome stuff at the store. It's Terro brand and I used the gell/liquid stuff. It's a slow working poison so the ants eat a little and take a bunch back to their home to share with all the other ants. You'd just have to be careful about the dog getting into it. If you can find where they are comming in from (they usually walk in a line so just follow them to the hole/crack/whatever) you can maybe hide it there. Good luck!

P.S. I just checked the tarro website ( and they have little pre-filled stuff that the doggy would have a hard time getting into!

P.P.S. Apparently (from the website) "The active ingredient, Borax, is recognized by the EPA as being among the safest and least toxic chemicals available to consumers. [...] Pets occasionally find the Terro and at it. Our advice when this happens is to do nothing at all. The product is not toxic enough to cause a problem and the pet will be just fine."

June 21, 2008 at 1:15 PM


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