Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh So Worried

Naturally, each business day that I have to wait, I am going to get more and more worried. I'm also terrified I'm going to jinx it. I'm a huge believer in jinxing--that you'll say or do something to jinx it and then it won't happen. :-X I just can't wait to hear, I hope I do by Friday since Sunday is my 24th birthday. It would be a great birthday present! Its all in the medical office's hands now, and for me to sit back and wait...patiently but definitely nervously! Keep your fingers crossed for me, please!

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