Documenting the steps I'm taking in applying for the Peace Corps and hopefully be invited to the Peace Corps! The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Someone had found a list of Latin America programs leaving this year. Not so much a list, but gathered information from others who have their invites:

Costa Rica youth development (Feb 08)
Honduras youth devlopment (Feb 08)
Paraguay urban youth development (Feb 08)
El Salvador youth development (Feb/Mar 08)
Guatemala (April 08)
Nicaragua youth development (May 08)
Ecuador youth development (June 08)
Peru youth development (June 08)

So basically my thoughts are that the last 3 countries are for sure canceled out, there isn't enough time between those dates and August.  Guatemala is borderline, and the first 4, while less likely, are still totally possible.

However, I saw someone who has an invited for Belize on August 18, 2008.  Thus, that is my best guess, that it'll be Belize. Otherwise I guess Panama.

However, again, what I am beyond terrified about is that my nomination will change, or my invite will change from my nomination and will only be able to have a 2009 nomination. That scares me because if it's an '09 nomination I can't go to my sister's wedding. I'm debating if I will go if I get an '09 nomination. It is something I have to very much think about.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how useful Spanish is in Belize. I know their official language is English, but it's more of a mix. Good luck though - I hated waiting for my invitation, even though it all happened super quick. It's a cool feeling when you finally get it. It's the only thing you think about for about 24 hours.

March 26, 2008 at 11:03 AM

Blogger Jenna said...

right, I read there official language was English, but then I read another stat that says Spanish is used slightly more. Also I was reading something about how the majority of youth volunteers are placed up north where spanish is stronger. So it could be a good hint. But I have thought about that and it does throw me off.

I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to not think about the nom or any one country too much since the peace corps is famous for surprises!!

March 27, 2008 at 2:41 PM


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