One Thing...
I guess for most people it would be something like the 2-year commitment or family.
For me it is my cat.
My Cat! This is Curtis, Curtis James. He's ...well, the picture is about a year old, so he's grown a lot since then. My cousin found him out back of her house as a very very tiny kitten, in the pouring down rain, crying his little heart out. She took him in, but considering that at the time she had 2 large dogs (now 3) and a husband that's allergic to cats (still is) she had to find a home for him. Knowing me, my love for cats, my inability to say no to cats, and the fact that I'd thought of bringing a cat from my dad's house up to my BTown apartment, she called me, and I agreed to come home that weekend to get him.
At first, while I thought he was a really good cat--litter box trained, no mean habits, and didn't make a peep during his 2.5 hr car ride to my apartment--to put it bluntly, he just didn't like me. I tried all my cat tricks (I swear I'm "one with the cats") and he just wouldn't have it, he wanted nothing to do with me or my toys or my cuddling. He liked Cara better, my mom better (who hates animals), Angel better (overbearing roommate), and well, anyone better. However, he finally gave in after about a month and a half. Maybe he was just trying to get a better feel for me, so he knew he could trust me. I don't know. But after that we have been 2 peas in a pod. We played with his cat toys together, took naps together, went b/w towns together. All this time, while he likes other people...he can get sick of other people if they push it, and often they do. He never gets sick of me, I'm the only one he's happy being around 100% of the time, even now he still sleeps on me (and he's big lemme tell you). I guess I know his personality perfectly and know what he likes and doesn't, what buttons not to press, when he wants to interact and when he doesn't.
When I graduated and came back to Evansville last May, even though I was staying at my dad's, I had to keep him at my mom's since there were 2 cats and a dog here already. Ever since then I go through my kitty withdraw. He's just 5-7 minutes away, but he and I are best friends and I miss him so much. I don't see him everyday, and sometimes not even once a week. But when I come through that door, he runs to me, and I swing him up in my arms onto his back, and he just rubs that tiny little nose against my cheek to tell me he loves me and missed me.
Dorky eh? But I don't want to leave my Curtis kitty for 2 years. I don't trust my mom to take care of him or not let him run away. My youngest sister is 1/2, 1/2 between my mom and dad's house, and she does a good job with Curtis, but all the same, 1/2 the time she's not there is plenty of time for my mom to ignore him, forget to feed him, or let him run outside. I can't think of anyone else to give him to though. Plus, i don't want to miss him for 2 years, I thought he'd be at my moms for a few months tops, and then I'd have an apartment/job and he'd move back in with me.
Basically, I don't want to miss him for 2 years, and I am terrified he'll forget me!
How silly is that.
Labels: animal, cat, curtis, kitten, kitty, missing, pc, peace corps, scared, volunteering
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